The movie tells the story of working class boy Francis Ouimet, and his struggle to be accepted into the upper class world of golf.
Francis is desperate to make it in golf and will not let his dad’s objections stop him. He ends up betting his career on making the cut but unfortunately he misses out by a single stroke.
After some time working in a golf store, the US Open committee approaches Francis, asking him to play in the tournament as a local amateur exemption. At first, Ouimet turns down the opportunity remembering the promise he made to his father. However, his heart gets the better of him and he again decides to pursue his dream.
Ouimet forces a playoff against the great British golfer Harry Vardon, who himself struggled with the class divisions of golf in the first half of the 20th century. The inspiring story is credited as one of the main reasons the game received mainstream popularity in the US.
Image credit to SKY.
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